The Filly

Heart Racing, eyes wild the filly leapt from the starting gate ready to take on the mile

Her long legs stretched out before her and ate up the ground and her hooves made a loud thundering sound

She was like a freight train barreling down the lane, thought the determined jokey who gave her full reign.

Then at the quarter-pole, neck to neck with her competitor, she looked him in the eye, then gave one great heave as if to say ‘this race is mine’

The mile was nearly over and the filly was growing slower but just as the stud began to take the lead the filly kicked it up in speed.

Then she passed the finish line and in record time beating her competitor by six long links!

The filly had made history with her incredible time, and the record that she set wouldn’t be beaten until her colts were in their prime.

They strung flowers around her neck the color of the sun, and stared in wonderment at the creature that had a passion to run
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This was inspired by Seabiscut and Secretariat. Sorry if it was short