
She walked the streets
Looked at everyone looking at her
Felt ashamed
Kept walking

Rounded a corner
A group of boys sat in wait
Came to her
Made a sphere around her

"Hey fattie, lay off the fries unless you want a bigger stomach and thighs"
"Yo man, look at this fat ass bitch, lets have some fun and push her in a ditch"
"Man, She's not even cryin', just standin' there lookin' retarded"

All taunts
She wanted to cry
She wanted it to rain so it would cover her face
But she stood there
Not wanting to give them the satisfaction
Making her face look like
A complicated fraction

They wanted her to sob
Then her body hurt
She lay on her back
Then was covered with a sack

She suffocated but stayed tough
For that, they got more rough
She wished she was looking at the sky
So she could dream and wonder why she couldn't just cry
♠ ♠ ♠
This poem really means a lot to me. First poem I wrote. It has something to do with this girl I heard about. I wanted people to hear her story. I hope it really makes people think, for those of you out there who have been picked on or are the cause of it.