And The Children Cried, "HELP ME! SAVE US!"

i'm opening my eyes
they've been closed for years
will i be able to see
or will i remain in the darkness??

i look around me
images flash before my eyes
buildings are ablaze
the ground is broken and cracked.

i see children run for their lives
only to be devoured by their fears
they fall in the streets
trampled by each other.

their screams pierce my ears
a little girl tugs on my clothes
but i don't know how!

her eyes are frantic
she can't wait for my response
her grip loosens on my clothes
and she runs away screaming her pleas.

my eyes follow her down the road
i notice the back of her dress is on fire
she leaves a trail of tears
that evaporate on the blazing pavement.

i fill with sympathy
and then watch with horror
as she shrivels up in the fire
is this what is to become of me??
♠ ♠ ♠