Are You There?

Through the silver misted fog,
I can’t see you
I can’t hear you.
I am surrounded by utter nothingness,
and the pressure is unbearable.

You promised that you would never leave,
but stay by my side.
And yet, the never ending darkness
proves that you have broken that promise,
and deserted me.

My eyes cannot adjust,
nor decipher any given image.
The darkness has swallowed any hope
of your reappearance, and any hope
of a promise kept.

But I remember something you once told me;
about promises,
and how you would never, ever break one.
Was that just another promise broken?
Or proof that your promise remains intact,
and it is only this darkness which blocks you
from my sight?

So I live in hope that this darkness will disintegrate,
and light will be restored.
Then your eyes will sparkle and pierce my soul as always.
Undo the chill that has pulsed through my body,
all the way to my still beating heart.
And prove,
that a promise made
with true meaning
can last forever.