The Town

I was once a girl living in a familiar place,
A small town, with a sadly closed minded facade.
Oh god how I hated that town!
But now that I'm gone...
It's hard to move on...
And now I stare into space,
With a smile of nostalgia on my face,
As I think of times long gone.

I remember a park,
--Oh how funny it seemed,
Because it was named after me!--
Everything happened there.
Break ups,
Make ups,
And the occasional stolen kiss.
Days filled with complete bliss.

There was also a creek,
A road passed over it,
And under that bridge was my hiding place.
I brought everyone there!
So I guess it wasn't really mine...
Over time, memories where made there, too.

A sigh escapes my lips,
As I decide to tell you this;;
The darkened streets could tell you a few stories too...
Of my friends and I, the fights and drama,
The lies and tears we cried.

The football games could also speak a tale or two,
Of truces,
Of temporary groups,
Of piggyback rides...

This town, my home,
Even if I live there no more,
Is where I would hide
If my world was falling apart.
Its my safe haven,
Where the one I love still is.

So tell me,
Would you also want to tell the world of everything there?
Every argument?
Every stolen kiss?

I refuse to forget.
Because its part of me.
And I'll never let it go.
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