Not As Innocent As I Seem

I stare at the red bag
And crack my knuckles
Imagining it to be my opponent
My enemy for the time being
I get into my fighting position
With my unbreakable poker face

Starting combinations that others taught me
Right hook, jab, and then uppercut
Roundhouse kick, diagonal knee-kick
Back fist and hammer kick
Wipe the sweat from my brow

Now it’s time for the real thing
Hearing the screaming crowd
Smelling the blood and sweat
This is my other home
Where I really shine

Half smile as I shake his hand
Expressionless as the fight begins
We circle each other, our little ballet
When he makes the first move
He doesn’t know who he’s messing with

I have his down in five minutes
Barely breaking a sweat
A water bottle handed to me
Money given in a small envelope
And I wait for my next turn

When it’s all over I walk out into the cool night
And catch the bus home
Crawl into my bed
Knowing when I wake up
No one will have noticed I was gone