The Dream Stealer

I'm severely unstable.
I can barely stand on my own two feet.
The only thing that defines me is this silly label.
But the seldom times I'm on my own, Is a sweet treat.

I feel the burning on my neck,
And I wonder who's staring.
Those cold gray eyes never keep me in check.
I just seethe and fume with teeth baring.

The folks who tease and tear me apart,
Are only awaiting my reaction.
I've been abnormal from the start,
I've torn the label, now i have no caption.

You sneer and insult me with your evil calculating eyes.
I know you've seen me before, your admittance is denial.
Imagination is endless, My mind soars; It flies.
Leave the horror, believing anything else is vile.

Darling I applaud you,
And wish you the best of luck.
My worries are never new.
There's an impasse, crossroads;You're stuck.

A Dream-Stealer, Is what you are.
If only you've stolen mine,
It would be wonderful; It's admiration by far.
But there is only so much time.

I've stolen you dreams, One by one.
A pointed look, and malicious stares.

We dread the farewell of the Sun,
If only, If only you could steal My Nightmares.