Noble Sacrifice

The patriot, Jorge
Always the one with big guns
Tearing those Elites a new one
He threw Noble Six from the ship
The bomb went boom
As did he

The brains, Kat
She great looks
Greater intelligence then anyone
An image for woman
From the sky and from behind
She doesn't look a good now
She has a needle through her skull

The leader, Carter
We all respected him
Powerful, good as a leader
They all saluted his every command
Even the command
That condemned his life
With a fiery explosion
Down goes the Scarab, and Carter

The muscle, Emile
Wore his helmet as if it was his face
Wielded his shotgun as if it was a part of him
He made his last stand
Down go the Phantom's and Banshee's
With a single stab from an energy sword
Down goes Emile

The hero, Noble Six
Gave the UNSC hope
Gave the UNSC courage
Gave the UNSC Cortana
Gave the UNSC victory
As nothing remains of great Noble Six
We all remember the last stand
And the Elites that overwhelmed you