Bend and Not Break

Is it possible to bend and never break?
He bends me so mich and yet I haven't broken.
I keep running back to him with open arms
And all the while his are closed around another girl
Is it possible to bend and never break?
I do this and that for him
And all he does is spit in my face.
My mind is saying go
But my heart simply says "No."
My mind is broken
but my heart keeps bending anf bending
Never ever breaking.
Sometimes I question
How strong I really am.
I keep lettin him bend and twist me like a pretzel.
Any sane girl would have left his alluring grasp by now
But I keep fixing any and every crack I ever sense.
Is it possible to bend and never break
Is just like asking
Can you live but never breathe.
I'm beginning to come to my senses
The high you give me is wearing off
I'm realizing I've been lying to myself.
We were broken from the beginning
Every bend was really another break
Every crack became a paralyzed patch
A patch her and a patch there
Where there's a paralyzed patch there's another screw-up
They're everywhere.
I've bent and I've bent
I've broke and broke
I've denied and denied
And denied just a little bit more
I wish it were true
I wish I could bend and never break
But you've caused my heart one too many cracks
So you tell me
If I put you in my shoes
Would you be able to bend and never break?