I love you

today everything was just fine
well at least on the outside.
in its confines my brain was screaming
"your worthless
your nothing
why do you try?
no one cares
no one would even notice if you died!"
its like its me against me
forever going in circles
never winning, never losing
i think why do i try?
does anyone care?
would anyone notice if i wasn't there?
so i sat all alone
concealed in my room
contemplating ideas
as they darted through my subconscious mind
i finally said why not just end it?
so as i lay in the snow my brain blown out besides me
the last thing i heard was my mother screaming
"No come back, i need you!
Honey i love you! dont leave me!
why didn't she say it sooner
why didn't anyone show it
or was i just to numb to notice
and just before everything went black
i tried to scream to my mother
i love you back!!!