Never has, never will

I'm going away
I'm staying right here

I go with my master
I belong to no one

I'm stupid so I runaway
I'm an idiot so I stay

Only half of me is gone
the other half is here

I come together when the full moon rises

I don't run from it
I don't stare at it
I go to it

I'm not two people
I'm just two halfs

I'm not alone
I feel alone
There for I am alone

I'm not two people
I'm not one person
What am I?

I have many masks
but one no one
has seen for a long time

My true mask

♠ ♠ ♠
This is one of my old poems, and one of my favorets, so I hope you like it.^ ^
Its not ment to be depressing or anything, just something that makes you think, well sometimes.(It makes me think so Idk if it'll make you think) okay, shutting up now. Hope you Liked it.
Comments truely apreshated. :)