Heart Friend

People are put in our lives for a reason.
I met him at a time
when I needed someone,
someone who cared
who understood.
We clicked instantly
and he'll be gone soon.
I can never thank him enough.

A common friend,
common personalities,
I knew my kindred spirit
with the first "hello".

I opened up and let him see
everything that I am. I couldn't see
what it would do to me.
That first day, he thought
he saw, but I smashed his view.
I was not who he thought,
and he let me see.
I don't think we knew the risk,
I sure didn't. Now we can't help it.
Drawn to one another makes it gray,
it's no longer black and white
Oh! How I wish it was!
Maybe then I wouldn't be afraid.
What am I to do -
How do I stop in midair?
How do I keep my friend -
our openness, yet not blur the lines?

You have a special place
in my heart, dear friend.
It's been there from the start,
and it always will.
Time and earth may separate,
but I will always be
numbers away. Forever and Always.
♠ ♠ ♠
Obviously, as the poem states, I have feelings for a good friend. He's leaving to be with his fiance, and I will miss him terribly. I have not known him for long, but it feels like forever. It's for the best. Those who love you, are forever - a friendship for life.