Beautiful Brown Eyes

I tried to tell you I love you
But a thousand words would not tell that tale
Sometimes when I see you
I find myself crawling into my inner shell

It gets harder and harder, and I try to step away
But your face calls me back and I cannot disobey
Every moment, every day, of my sorry life
I'll be thinking of your kisses, of your
Beautiful Brown Eyes.

I tried to tell you I need you
But it never seems to come out right
Sometimes when I see you
I can't sleep at night.

It gets harder and harder, and I try to step away
But your face calls me back and I cannot disobey
Every moment, every day, of my sorry life
I'll be thinking of your kisses, of your
Beautiful Brown Eyes.

You tried to tell me you love me
But it just came out all weird
Sometimes when you see me
You live out your greatest fears.

It gets harder and harder, and you try to step away
But my face calls me back and you cannot disobey
Every moment, every day, of our sorry lives
We'll be thinking of our kisses, of our
Beautiful Brown Eyes.

You tried to tell me you needed me
But you fell flat on your face
Every time when you see me
Your heart begins to race

It gets harder and harder, and you try to step away
But my face calls you back and you cannot disobey
Every moment, every day, of our sorry lives
We'll be thinking of our kisses, of our
Beautiful Brown Eyes.

And I really don't know how this will end
Honestly, that's the truth.
It could end in hope, it could end in despair
But someone's gonna have to say I love you.

Its gets harder and we try to step away
But our love calls us back and we cannot disobey
Every moment, every day, of our sorry lives
We'll be thinking of our kisses, of our
Beautiful Brown Eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this song when I was in 6th grade, but all I had was the chorus and the first verse. I finally got to finish it today. :)