
He was the dark side of the moon,
Camouflaged in black.
She was dazzling, she was doom,
Weighing down his back.

He ploughed the fields of tragedy,
His sweat was never seen,
All the world was blinded by
His shining silver queen.

He peered through the darkness
as he leaned against the hoe,
He loved her, for all it was worth,
But she could never know.

Tugged by threads of romance,
Her feet left the stage,
And her light led her way through the darkness -
Her light, her lover's wage.

We smiled to see such an embrace
Between black and white,
But outraged sides longed to divide
And pulled her from the night.

The dark smoke billowed nearer,
He threw himself beneath,
She cried to see her true love die
Below the strangled wreath.

The harmony of contrast
Lay buried 'til today,
The moon no longer split in two
A thousand years too late.