
Imagine a road where there is bright white light blaring clear into the retinas

Wide open spaces draw the interest of a lost individual on their way to nowhere but adventure.

While huge red walls hide themselves into the corners of the eyes, creeping in when least


A path brings in those who are lost and invites anyone with a soul to a world where

there is nothing that has ever been pictured in the human mind. It's simply too fictional

for someone to imagine. It could be a nirvana to someone or even a hell. But, it's not alarming

not one bit. Instead it's the most enjoyable sense of euphoria that all five senses have been

introduced to before. There isn't a known name, but it is what our minds call it when first

stared at. Be careful not too ponder the setting too much, it will ruin the reality of it.

Footsteps are collected while the path is followed. The distance grows longer

as the length of travel into the world is increased. Panic starts to crawl in, while the

mind tries to grasps the amount of time spent following the path. Fear starts hovering

over the mind of the lost journeyer. But, fear not as this is just what we imagine ourselves.

This path does not intend on causing displeasure but the exact opposite. It is the

road we choose ourselves to create history.

As the inside of the lengthy aisle starts to become heated with confusion,

a wreaking foul fragrance is blessed upon the nostrils. Not sure of what it is and why

it smells so awful, natural instinct is to escape the path faster. The issue now becomes

the farther that is traveled, the worse the odor grows. It starts to cave in on the sinuses

causing nausea and pain to the brain. Luckily, the path grows brighter and the ground

becomes elevated into clouds. It appears the sky has become the setting of our minds.

Don't fall into the clouds though, as they won't support the heavy thought we've grown.

Soaring through the clouds, a bitter taste hits the tonsils. The back of our mouths

are starting to grow dry and flaky from the immense amount of air being forced down the

throats of us adventurers. We begin to taste false sense of achievement as having the

ability to fly through the sky, but then having to suffer the consequence of cotton mouth.

Unfortunately, our hands stop gliding across the winds and the body drops

out of the sky. What was once a wonderful flight has become a scenario of crash

and explode. Hitting aggressive speeds, the flaps of our mouths and eyelids tremble

profusely. Dropping through the clouds and crashing into the birds underneath us,

we see the bottom of the sky start to show itself. As opacity of the ground increases

in our eyesight, we prepare for the end. Then, we smack hard into the ground.

But, this is no ordinary ground, it is water. As the body dives deeper into the ocean

a warm feeling overcomes the drenched structure of bones,muscle and ligaments.

We hear a muddled roar of noises gather. Voices, stomping, bubbles

from the water. They start to collaborate, but all mold together. They start to

sound the same and form one single distraction. Somehow we tune it out of mind.

Though muddled, the noises become appealing and are naturally dissected. The

sound waves are then taken apart and analyzed. It's the most beautiful grace that

the eardrums have ever felt.

The noises start to fade, the warmness goes away and eyesight start to clear.

The setting is no longer as graceful as it once was. That same path that was once

walked on disappears and feet are stapled back to the ground of reality.
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Thank you for reading, if so.
You may contact me on AIM; Jamesfastboy