Life-From a Young Mind's Perspective

We love and we hate
We despise and we descriminate
We are who we are for a reason
and sometimes we prove it in the right season
We need to learn to forgive and forget
Before we get eaten alive by regret
I'm one of those who go insane when I can't let it out
Sometimes I just want to scream and shout!
I want to stand up and do what's right
Even when I have lost my fight
I want to know that i can be free
To be who I want to be
To express myself in different ways
To find and encourage love and praise
To find faith where no one else would look
To see my hopes and dreams accomplished later;and wonder how long they took
To find a cure for the world and it's people that are infected
By all the happenings around us; just remember to expect the unexpected
Let's take our fears
Let's remember all of our tears
The ones we shed; the ones yet to come
I wish we would learn to make a feast from our crumbs
We sit there and complain
To sit there and talk in disdain
Such a disgrace
To the human race
You only have one life so live it
Don't just decide when it gets rough to quit
There's no second chance
So let's not sit there in a hypnotic trance
Let's treat others the way we want to be treated
Respect and knowledge are proven to be the wisest; so don't hold back and be defeated
Time is wasting; it's going tick tock
Don't just sit there and stare at the clock
Go do what you love
You can depend on a sign from above
We have a lot of choices
So many voices
We don't even take a second to think
About how we are always in sync
What about our mind and how it's intertwined?
There's so much to discover, so much to find
How come we say goodbye instead of hello?
I want to know.
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I was very lost and confused about me and the world we are all in. I hope this poem will open your mind to possibilities as to who we are and who others want us to see.