Dear Blackness,

Dear Blackness,
Hello. its nice to see you again.
I was all alone and i needed a friend.
Hope was hiding, love ran away
I think i lost faith, only shadows come out in the day.
But all they did was follow me around
Always there, not one let down.
But as the sun ranway from me, shadows left me too
There was no where to turn but yet i still had you.
You blackness are always there. no matter how bright.
On bad days you were there to take away my sight
I was never scared of you, you made me feel brave
You are everywhere! in a hole, in the closet or cave
With you i cant see, but thats exactly what i want
Having these horrible scenes is a terrible taunt
Im thankful for you just being there when they werent
Everytime im sad it seems like you just know it.
You are my friend, even if with you i cant see
At least i know theres something out there that will never leave me...

With Love,