Scars hold a thousand stories

Hang me from the ceiling,
Just let me die,
Hold me close,
And let me cry.
Remember everything we said,
Or was it all just a lie,
Tonight i welcome darkness,
As I say goodbye.
Moonlight glints off the blade,
A dried scarlet on it,
It holds my scars,
And helps with pain.
I wash the blood away from it,
And cry my tears,
The makeup running down my face,
Did I even mean anything to u?
I choke back tears,
A lump forming in my throat,
Wrap my arms around my knees,
And trace my scars with my finger.
It seems to calm me,
At least for now,
Im not sure how long itll last,
I can feel the blood seep thru the newest cuts.
Hidden with thin fabrics,
Hoping no one notices,
They wouldnt understand,
Or worse theyd send me to some mental facilty.
The tiny scars hold a million stories,
They hold a thousand tears,
They took away my pain,
But now they are just a constant reminder of the past.
He pulls up my sleve,
Instantly I wince,
He stares in horror,
What just happened?
"What is this from," he whispers in fright,
I freeze,
What am I supposed to say,
Theres nothing I can say.