
Time and time again,
I cry to feel free.
I have time for you,
but none for me.
Time to do work
and to play.
Keeping busy,
to get you to see.
Get you to notice,
your youngest daughter.
Crying to be set free,
and tired of trying, just let me be.
Tried so hard,
for you to notice.
All the hard work I do,
it was all for you.
Never complained,
until you left.
Stopping when you returned,
after two long treacherous years.
Just listen, because all this time,
you never once said a compliment.
I may be a burden,
just like you said.
I just don't care bout that,
though I'm not completely dead.
My pain may be great,
and time flies by.
Acknowledgment is the one thing,
the only thing i ask.
No such thing exists by you,
as you don't see as I weep.
I love you so much,
though time has a rest stop.
So now I forfeit,
against my own will.
To be your daughter,
or a stranger, but still.
Time is a precious thing,
though you might not see......