Through My Eyes

the way you made me feel,
the way i cared about you,
the way i would have done anything for you,
for us,
for us to last,
the way i loved you,
the way you lied to me,
the way you hurt me.

we went through so much,
and i gave you everything i could,
i let my walls fall and crumble to the ground,
exposing every part of my being to you,
without even a fight,
because i knew you were worth taking a chance with.

the feelings you gave me,
the unbearable overwhelming emotions taking over my body,
when i would see you,
the reassurance everything was going to be okay,
and feeling like this is what should be happening,
was what i felt when i would talk to you.

i wish i would have seen,
how we were never meant be,
and nothing was ever going to work,
because right from the start,
we shouldn't have continued it,
and you belonged to someone else,
you were not mine.

i couldn't help but take a chance with you,
the thrill and excitement you gave me,
took over my conscience,
drawing me toward you more,
and controlling my being without even realizing.

sometimes though the things we want most,
are the things we can't have,
and it is for the best,
but you have to experience pain,
and hurt to realize the truth.

you took advantage of me,
used me just a back up,
for everything she couldn't give you,
making me look like a fool,
for ever believing you cared,
instead you humiliated me,
forever changing the way people saw me,
and all you did was watch,
not caring at all about anyone but yourself.

you broke my heart.

everything i saw,
everything i wanted,
everything i hoped for,
was shattered in front of my eyes,
and everyone elses.

and all i ever wanted was to be yours,
for you to care about me,
for you to love me,
like i had for you.
for you to give me,
what i had given to you,
but you couldn't even do that for me,
was that asking too much?
all i received in return,
was everything i had ever wanted,
burn to the ground in flames,
you just used me,
manipulating the power you had over me,
making me your puppet,
then acting as if i was invisible,
and my existence was gone

i wonder if you ever think about me?
think about us?
think about what we might have been?

as horrible as you treated me,
as much as you humiliated and degraded me,
i would take you back in a heartbeat,
knowing it might be the most idiotic decision,
because you're worth taking the chance,
you always have been,
whether it has been good or bad,
i would never take back my desicons,
even the carless ones i made with you,
it made us what we were,
and was part of what we had,
everything between us,
because what we had was real,
at some point in the period,
i know you knew that.
♠ ♠ ♠
i haven't written in FOREVER. so this really sucks i know... and i'm really sorry too for not writing in almost a year D: