You Said You Know Me?

you know me?
then whats my name
whats my age
whats my sisters name, age
whats my others sisters name, age
whats my moms name, where is she?
whats my dads name, where is he?
whats my like?
whats my dislikes?
what or who is icky boy?
what is the scariest thing that has ever happened to me?
what am i afraid of?
who do i live with?
what store makes me sick?
what is my favorite store?
what are my favorite shows?
what are my top three favorite book series?
why did i get stiches?
how do i hurt my knee?
what couldn't you answer them all?
exactly so you dont know me, you may know some about me but not everything
so unless you know everything about me and have walked in my shoes, was in my head, lived my life, dont judge me =]