
Gliding through the water
Like a knife through butter
No worries to think about
Just grabbing the water as you stretch out

Left, Right, Left, Right, Breath
To me, It's a routine
I go till I cant no more
It's just something I adore'

8 feet deep
Where I cannot stand
Where I can be relaxed and calm
All the while I'm a ticking bomb

Knowing secrets and threats
Truths and lies
Why does everyone tell me everything?
Do they think I can just hold it all in?

Parents can't pay the bills, Havn't eaten in 3 days
Friends doing drugs, Teachers giving bad grades
Sometimes life just gets to hard, so uncool
But, thankfully, there's always the pool

Where I can release the stress
And not think for a moment
About all the horrible things I'm going through in the dark
It's just Left, Right, Left, Right.....Breathe? Question Mark
♠ ♠ ♠
I was thinking that I could make like some type of sequel to this of some kind? Do you think I should?