If I Dumped You Right Now

If I dumped you right now
I know that you'd cry
I know that you'd shout
And beg me why
And when you'd get home
I know that you'd scream
I know that you'd fall
On your knees for me

And in your dreams
You'd still have me in your arms

When I see your face
It isn't the same
As when we met,
I just know your name
And that's about all
You think you're in love
But what is here
When push comes to shove?

If I dumped you right now
I know I'd be fine
I know I'd go home
And think of good times
I know I'd feel bad
I'd want to go back
I'd want to take your pain,
I've been there and back

When I come home
From being with you
My family asks,
Don't I like you too
I have to say yes
But is it the truth
You're all I want,
But I don't want you

But if I dumped you right now
I know I'd feel free
Go flirt at the mall
Behave like me
I know I'd be fine,
I know I'd be torn,
I know I'd go home
Curl up safe and warm

The last guy I kissed
Before I kissed you
Broke my heart
Twice in two
So now that you're here,
I feel so scared
To tell you goodbye,
What if no one else cares?

So if I dumped you right now
I know that you'd break
I know you'd fall apart
Your whole world would shake
I know what you'd feel
I've been there too
But if I dumped you now,
I'd be telling the truth

And in my dreams,
You'd still be screaming in my arms...