
A poem by Stella Lee

What is death?
What lies beyond it?
Is it the heaven we so long for and seek?
Or is it the burning depths of hell?
Perhaps it is neither.
Perhaps death is an emptiness,
A nothing in which we exist in.

What causes death?
Is it because we are humans?
Does every gunshot, each stab, every gash
Sway the balance between life and death?
Is every injury, fall, and close calls
So fateful to our lives?

Is it Karma?

If we did nothing wrong…
Would Death still come upon us?
Are we continually walking Death’s path?
Can we deny it?
Can we avoid it?

We continue, unaware, of our steps.
Closer to Life, its light shines bright,
We are ignorant of the passing time.
...With each passing second, we are closer to Death.