When Whispers Are Louder Than Screams

Crimson tears and emerald eyes
Broken bottles and half told lies
Pale flesh and raven hair
Shattered dreams and a blank stare

White scars and hazel orbs
Sense of humor and smile that no one has ever seen before
Tan skin and chocolate tresses
Skinned knees and torn dresses

Light blue veins and jade eyes
Fake smile that she has grown to despise
Ivory flesh and strawberry hair
Never seen without a look of despair

Black heart and coffee orbs
Sinister smirk and a presence that is too hard to ignore
Olive skin and brown tresses
Leaving people to clean up her messes

Violet bruises and ocean eyes
Silent screams and ignored cries
White flesh and matching hair
Red slashes and the hope that someone will care
♠ ♠ ♠
Copyright © 2010 by Taylor Howell