The Before and After

There is a voice inside my head. 
(drip.... drip....)
He says things aren't well. 
(a pool of blood trickles)
Says she doesn't love me. 
(a finger twitches)
How could this be true?
(the body slowly dies)
I waited for her so long. 
(there's a girl crying)
She promised I'd be hers. 
(bloody, rusted knife)
I felt she loved me. 
(blood pools up)
He said she lied. 
(eyes start to dim)
She said she'd never hurt me. 
(chest slowly stops moving)
I always trusted her. 
(lips turning blue)
She would never lie to me. 
(the girl cries more)
She.... loves... him....?
(nothing can bring me back)
I knew I was right...
I always am...
(throat slashed, my body is a bloody mess)
I'll end my suffering...
But as punishment, I'll begin hers...