
Dear Mr Tummy,

Im sorry 'bout the butterflies
That make you feel funny,
And everytime I look in his eyes
You get all fuzzy wuzzy

Dear Mr Heartbeat,

I'm sorry 'bout the stretching
When I see him and you swell,
And all of that shaking
When you bam-bam and my lips smile

Dear Mr Insides,

I'm sorry 'bout the twists
When his touch makes you squirm,
And when my name's on his lips
You wiggle like a worm

Dear Mr Brain,

I'm sorry if you're bored
From thinking 'bout him all day,
And when he's away I beg the lord
To bring him back again

Dear Mr Life,

I'm sorry I threw you away
Replacing you with this guy,
Who makes me want to sing and say
"You're the best thing that's happened to me,
No matter how much I have to apologise"
