
-Clears throat-
To my dearest Dark,
You're voice is something that is sorely missed when you art gone.
Don't know what'd i would do if i didn't know you
You're breath smells like food most of the time
You're laugh makes me want to laugh
I think, you are my special person .
Not like that you weirdo cuz we're family but you know what i mean.
Don't be getting any ideas for you know me not
and trust me i love you!!! XD
But uh back to the poem.
-Clears throat again-
I am soooooooo fond of you and your corny jokes.
Even though you take things a little far and i wanna hurt you sometimes
I still love you.
Now because i love you i'm gonna say this. . .
You can't get mashed potatoes from thin air you weirdo.
And potatoes are grown on trees.
I don't know what roses have to do with this but i'm keeping it the title.
So my dearest Dark,
What do you think of this weird poem that is not a poem?
Does it make thy heart sing with joy that i would take time out of my reading assignment to
Write this for you??
Or does it infuriate you because you know I am awesomer than you? :3
Let me know and i'll love you forever.
Bandit :"3