Only You

The love i feel for you, nothin can replace your the one i wanna be with forever, even though it most likely wont happen cause we are too young for love, but im gonna try my hardest to stay with you. I wanna show you my real side, but im worried that you wont like it. I've been slowly letting my crazyness show, i love you babe, your the one for me, you dont need to do anything i like you just the way you are, cause your the man of my dreams & you treat me like no one ive met and i want it to stay that way, i just wish we could talk and there would be no weirdness happening, so next time i see you im gonna show you me, the real me, the girl who hides behind these blue eyes. Cause i'm tired of hiding i wanna be known for me, and that chick is crazy and fun & has a big dark hole in her heart that no one can fill but me and every day i grow stronger my heart fills with metal, because baby you help me become stronger. And i love you, you make me feel special when you come up and hold me and when you kiss me, it makes my heart jump a beat.
