*** the haters!

At times its hard to see,
Through these thick clouds that fill my head,
The good things that are out for me,
I just have to be strong and break through these walls,
To get to out of this dark life,
Through these walls i break
Where the sun is bright just for me,
To let me live my life like a normal child should,
I can go out with friends and have a good time,
Even though i know i'm just getting watched over from the heavens above,
I need to make my own path and try new things,
There may be some bumps along the way,
But life is just like a road its long and has its dark and light moments,
Tears fall apon it at times, and there are bumps and holes aswell,
That is what life is full of, you get bashed and knocked around,
Well ive had my time of being knocked around,
Im sick of it and now im fighting back,
Only to be the one who is knocking around others,
But it's either punch or be punched,
And i aint taking no more shit,
i'll fight back i wont let people knock me down,
i'm to strong to be pushed down,
i dont care if no one likes me its not what im here for,
i aint here for your pleasure,
i aint here to make you happy im here for me,
and thats all that matters if you dont like it then piss off
cause i dont give one shit about you!