
Come in. Please shut the door.
Take a seat I feel we shall be here a while.
Perhaps a snack, maybe a beverage.
A little music to help the flow of conversation.
Before i start, is there anything you wish to say?
Anything you wish to express?
Very well, I shall begin..

Where were you?
Where have you been?
Why haven't you been around?
Why did you leave me?
Why didn't you answer my pleas?
Why didn't you answer my calls?

When will you come back to me?
Will you come back to me?
Will you stay with me?
Have you ever cared about me?
Have you ever wondered how i am?
Have you ever been concerned or wanted
to see if i am doing alright?

You're so silent,
have you nothing to say?
Have you no excuse?
No lie to make it all okay?

Hello? Hello?
I can't see you,
the chair stays empty
Lord are you even there?