You Left Me This September

What is your problem?
Have I missed something in the equation?
Why did you put all of us in this situation?
Maybe everyone was right after all.
We should'nt have been there to pick you back up;we should've let you fall.
But what would that prove?
Of course, there's no answer to that. Because you made the wrong move!
I can't believe you stabbed all of us in the back.
We were always there. We always kept track.
Guess that wasn't good enough
I am trying so hard to stay strong and tough
But the temptation is calling my name
Well, atleast one thing stays the same
The fact that I will NEVER let you back in
If I did, it would be like comitting a sin!
You have proven yourself to be my enemy
And there is NO remedy
For you to provide
That will make what you did able to subside
because I will always remember
That you left me this September