What's Mine,Isn't Yours

Why aren't you here?
Am I not what you expected?
I hate feeling rejected!
That's how I feel when I think of you.
Because I don't know how to find if it's true
How can you live with yourself while knowing that I will never know you the way I should
There are many days I wish I could
but then I think well, wait. what exactly did I do?
Did you even think about how it would effect not only me, but others too?
You will never understand that I don't want you as a friend. I wanted you to be my dad
I guess that didn't sound too good to you since you went and destroyed what you could've had
I can't believe you don't get it! Am I not being clear?
Maybe I should've included how I've been without you for almost 16 years!
You can't step in like nothing happened when you get out
Trust me, I've gone so long without
that I will be just fine
As long as you don't come near what's mine.