Right In Front of You

Watching, waiting, smile.
Wonder if you even realize that after awhile
I'm really not who everyone believes me to be
I wish you were the one who could see
Through the mask and what I hide
I want you to unlock the me inside
Why is this so complicated?
I'm not trying to sound sophisticated
If I could tell you myself, I would
This is the only way I thought that I could
Since I asked for your name that first day,
I wanted to know you in more than just a friend way
There I said it. Now I know you will probably think im crazy
You might believe my judgememnt is a little hazy
I'm sorry I couldn't tell you personally
I have gone over it in my head so many times but never found any uncertainty
This is how I feel
And it's real
So I'm sorry if I scare you away
But I hope you will find that one someday
Someone fresh and new
I will only wish you would look right in front of you