You Are The One I Fit Perfectly With.

Whenever I close my eyes, your face is tattooed in my mind.

Your dimples, your eyes, your breath taking smile,
but now its just a memory.

A memory that will never be forgotten.

Your lips on top of mine,
the feeling of bliss in your arms,
those moments will always stay strong in my head.

Cause my head is where I discovered that you were what I wanted for the rest of my life.

Hopefully that memory will become a reality once again,
when we both need it and want it.

For love isn’t supposed to be a one sided book,
what is love without someone to share it with?

My head told me you could be my other half.

You are the one that I fit perfectly with.

Our hands and entire body were made for each others.

When intertwined they melt together.

You made me believe in fate,
you taught me that love isn’t a myth.

You taught my stomach how to release the real butterflies.

You showed me that I could be a complete idiot around you,
but no matter what you’ll always love me.

You know me for me at my best and worse.

You have accepted my flaws,
and i have accepted yours.

I want the world to know that we are each others,
and nobody will ever be able to pull us apart.

For you are my other half.

Sweetheart. Baby, my love. Honeybee.

I will stay with you until my dying day.