Choosing Grounds: the Story of a Poor Rich Man

“Sweet mother Mary
Please tell me
How hard is it for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven?
Because I want to know
I want to be rich, but if I die, to heaven will I go?”

“Sweet child of mine
listen to me here;
I’m telling you now, it’s impossible dear
Can a Camel fit through a needle’s eye?
No. Can a rich man
Not enter the kingdom of heaven?
`fraid so”

“So you mean to tell me,
that I must decide,
to have treasures on earth,
or in heaven to abide?
Oh, but this decision
Has cut far too short.
I (quite frankly), am not sure what sort
Of luxury I wish to possess
The gifts of God,
Or the gifts of loess.”

(Mary but chuckles at this foolish crime)

“Oh, if I wasn’t Mary,
what I would say to you,
you silly creature,
you blinded fool.
What competition
is in your eyes?
Do I have to tell you,
one last time?:
the spell cherish put to men,
that no sorcery can cast
will ensure your mortal days
to be your very last.”

And so the man walked and waited
In limbo
Until he could decide
Between the heavenly treasures of earth
Or to hurt his pride
And suffer
In these walls laid here
And by God’s rule, abide,
But then when he passes
To heaven he would rise.