Ascalaphus' Lament

The first seed.
Fat and swollen, red as beating heart
becomes a seventh
and, on my part,
I do admit,
It was only slight -

But it was you,
My Queen,
Who plucked the fruit, hence must
brave the darkness, whilst I, my Queen,
Find flight, the fickle friend,
As quick a fiend.
In my torment do I revere thee.

For fools,
Ruled by wrath,
Negate blame to those that
must fear Gods, hence cannot bare
keep that red kiss within breast and Icarus,
Point their fingers heav'nward.
Such folly!

The first seed
is sweetest.
My Queen, I do beseech thee,
Remember thus:
The bitterness
Of the seventh on the tongue and such
unsightly stains about the mouth.
♠ ♠ ♠
For Hannah Brooks.