Star Light Rays

I want you to care
So much that it hurts
I want you to stare
And watch me flirt

I want you there
For all my success
I want you to share
What I repent

And see what I meant
When I said I would never leave
My mind is bent
Distorted and we’ve

Done it together
Not just me
The stormy weather
Is what I see

But I can’t be
What I know
And I can’t see
Above the low

So show
Me a way through it all
And know
I’m not trying to fall

And I won’t call
If you don’t want me to
Curl up in a ball
And look like a fool

Thinking of things
I can finally say
And I can sing
The starlight rays
♠ ♠ ♠
this is a bit of in extension to Care About Me i could have just addded it to the end of Care About Me but didn't because it isn't the way i originaly wrote them give me input on if you think i should or not.