Soul Eater

You became a sketch of mine,
The idea of flawlessness, I never thought would be true,
And it drove me into spiraling images,
Like photographs, these memories will never fade, will never burn,
To imagine such perfection is like swimming in a storm to Crystal Cove,
But how much did I pay to finally get to the shore?

Diamonds, sparkling diamonds
Resesitate me, even if it took years,
Your band of theives, lovely theives, stole my charms of mourning and grief,
With their sweet sweet music, they crept up behind me, and you stole my old
Tears away,
So I began to think.
And think.
And the hysterics of today blended with your light and the sweet
Music, and forced your image, your posture, your very soul to flow like
Melted taffy and ice water, if you even have a soul,
You were surrounded by your band of theives,
Offering me salt water taffies and moon stones,

And the brightness, as she drew the secret future,
Laughed with us, in the stillness of the rain, we began to cry,
The atmosphere was so funny,
For some reason,
I knew it would be a good day, but never like this,
We had fight scenes,
Lessons from sensei,
Lightning bolts shot at us,
They may have well have been plush Girs for all the damage they caused us,
For a split second though, I was afraid,
Would all this go away? The last time I let myself be happy, I was so
Sure it would last, but it didnt,
My happiness seldom lasts,
But today, it was a good day,

So in this small room, we dominated,
We crashed it and felt so high,
We smashed it and cried all through the night,
No man, force, nor spirit could have stopped us,
We were ready,
With our eyes red,
The girls and their ripped stockings, and the boys' bloody T-shirts
Howeled to the soulless moon above,
And the moonlight ate our souls away,

I cannot be damaged,
I cant wilt or whither,
I cannot be broken again,
My soul will not be bludgened,
Because we have no souls,
We are beautiful beasts, wrong in all the right ways,
Dying in all the right places,
You were my soul eater,
So this blood tie,
This band of theives,
We are bleeding with laughter inside,
We can make anything out of a good time.