Black & White

What can you tell me
that isn't black and white
Maybe a little gray,
that can shed some light,

On what I call my life
A scroll of days in doubt
Those negative feelings,
I'd rather be without.

What can you show me
that isn't in black and white.
Maybe shed some colour,
to my narrowed sight.

I can only see
the problems in a pile
I can only frown,
at everybody's smile.

What can you give me
That isn't black and white
Maybe a wrapped gift,
on my birthday's night.

But the bow on top,
it's just a distraction
to the empty box
that fuels my reaction.

What can you do for me
That isn't in black and white
Maybe erase the black,
just to make it more bright.

But brightness is blinding,
It won't help one bit.
There has to be some black,
for everything to fit.

So how can you get me
out of this black and white.
It's like a puzzle
with edges that bite.

No matter how strong,
You can't force two pieces together
that just do not belong
with one another.

So how will you keep me
in this black and white
It's a darkness
I will never fight.

Because reality is not what it seems.
I'm better within these black and white dreams.

21/10/10 -

So how will you keep me
♠ ♠ ♠
The black & white is a reference to my favourite album. <3

But the feeling is a darkness I cannot let go of.
