Write Until Your Hand Bleeds

Write until your hand bleeds-
Is the best advice that I can ever give.
Write until your eyes water-
Unblinking and staring at the thing that helps you to live.

The pen perched lightly in your hand-
Or maybe gripped tightly depending on the day.
Just let the words flow forth-
Expressing everything that with your mouth
You are incapable to say.

Write down every emotion-
Every heartache that you have ever felt.
Let your wounds bleed freely onto the page-
And I promise you,
That it does not matter how much of this blood is spilt.

Write until your hand is numb-
It’s okay for inside your feeling alive.
Write until all the blood is gone-
For it is the only way to really survive.

Write until your bleeding ink-
Until no more tears gush from your eyes.
Write until someone understands-
Be honest, and remember to speak no lies.

Write until this weight is lifted-
This heavy burden released-
No more guise.
Write until this bird is free-
No more cage-
Until there is nothing left at all for you to hide.

Write until life is bearable-
Until you can breathe as each verse is written.
Write with all that you have within-
Write until your hand feels as if it is frost bitten.

Write with every ounce of your soul-
Then let it drip down onto the page.
Let it mingle there with all of the intricate words-
Let them intertwine,
And live there with everything that they are-
With grace.

Write until you cannot write anymore-
As I have just done for you.
Write until this pain has settled-
And the hope you once had is now renewed.

Give and, give-
As they take and, take.
Write until your monotone voice is heard.
Write with all of the heart that you have,
And take peace in the knowledge;
That of your plight
I have read every single word.