
You wake up at 6 in the morning.
I smile, hoping to get your attention.
You shower, change, and go to work.
And you do it all without hesitation.

I patiently wait to see you come home.
Even though I am always with you.
You arrive at 5 in the afternoon.
Already you have other things to do.

I watch you eat your dinner
Hoping you would talk to me.
You finish your meal and soon enough
After more work, you sit and watch t.v.

Finally, you decide it's time.
You get up and see it's past nine.
After so much work, you call it a day.
Before you sleep, I hope you pray.

But you're so tired right now.
And of course, it is very late.
I guess once more
I would have to wait.

I wish you would notice me.
I know you will not any time soon.
Only when you really need me,
Will you want me to be there for you.

I watch over you as you sleep
Will I always have your soul to keep.
And will you never forget what's true..
That I will always love you.

♠ ♠ ♠
Imagine who could be talking. Even though it says '-Anonymous' I am the actual person who wrote it. The inspiration to this poem came from reading a Spanish poem in which the narrator is God. Think about it. I'm not all so religious. I don't even like religion, but the poem doesn't have to be God, it can be anyone else.