I don't care

Sitting, at my screen.
In the back of my mind
I can hear her

Breathing down my neck.
Shes behind me....
Reading my messages over my shoulder

At first, I want to scare her.
Make her run away...
But, I choose physical violence

I stomp her foot, she screams
"What was that for?!"
And hits my arm

It makes her go away...
For now...
Not much time has passed.
Maybe thirty minutes...
Shes making groaning sounds.

I have my headphones in
She thinks she has to be extra loud so I can hear her.
It only dwindles down my patients even more...

I slowly turn in my office chair
I scream.

She gives a stupid puppy dog look.
It only makes her look uglier.
"I'm hungry."

She says it in a whisper.
As if she were hurt by my outburst.
As if....

Shes 11...
Yet, she can't open a can and throw it in the microwave,
Or make a friggin sandwich.

Shes sitting at the table now.
Silent, with a fork in and out of her mouth.
Thank you! Whatever almighty being there is!

But, it doesn't last.

Im in my room.
Putting the finishing touches on my latest sketch.
And I can feel it.

It's too peaceful.
I'm having too much of a good time.
I can feel it coming.

I look at my door.

And like Ol'reliable, she comes a knocking
I open my door, only an inch.
"What?" I asked.

"You have to see this!"
"No." I say, and try and shut my door,
But she forces her way past me and into my room.

"No! It's funny!"
"I don't care!"
"Hope, I swear to god, I will KILL you!"

And with that, her stupid attitude is gone, and she promptly exits my room.
I've got another ,good, thirty minutes....