Heaven and Hell

There's two sides,heaven and hell,If you pick heaven,God will get an angel to come for you.If you pick hell,The devil will get a demon to come and take your soul.I picked both.God and the devil started a big war to see who will get me.God saw good in me,The devil saw evil in me.So i picked heaven frist,God was happy at frist,But in the end god thoughy I was to good for heaven.So i went to hell,The devil was happy.He said"He'll take the good out of me and put me to work".He told me to work in the hellhole.But i told him"No".The devil was mad that i told him "No".So he put hooks into my body.Every day he would make things come and cut me and cut things off my body.Then he would put me back together. He would come and see me,Tells me to scream for them to stop.But i never did,I took it.The devil was mad that i didn't scream for them to stop.So he let me go.But he was stpid to do that.Because now I'm going to show him the same thing and pain he put me through.6 years down here is 6 month up there.So i put hooks in him and did the same thing he did to me.He screams in pain.Begging the dead souls to help him.Dead bodies swim in the pool of his blood.Now he dosen't want me in hell,Because he thinks I'm too evil.So here i am in the after life waiting to be put to sleep.