I've got Pogonophobia

I've got pogonophobia
It really is a pain
All those beards and moustaches
Just drive me insane

I've got pogonophobia
So instead of making out
If my boyfriend hasn't shaved
I really do freak out

I've got pogonophobia
All the people are really hairy
When I go to the hairdressers
I find it really scary

So if you've got sideburns
Or even a goatee
I'm asking, for my benefit
Please stay away from me

So if it's French and curly
Or you look like Dumbledore
Unless you go and have a shave
Don't come near me anymore

Because I've got pogonophobia
Don't take it out on me
If I run away screaming
It's not my fault, you see

I've got pogonophobia
You'll give me quite a scare
If you come too close to me
You'll send me to despair

Because I've got pogonophobia
I wish it wasn't there
So now you know I'll crap my pants
If you've got facial hair.
♠ ♠ ♠
Tee Hee. By Jess and Lucy.