You Betrayed Me!

You've betrayed me so.
I thought you loved me
I thought you cared.
Looks like that was all for show.
You were the closest thing i had to a sister
Since my true one
Didn't give a flip about me.
You were always what i wanted my big sister to be.
Now it be a miracle
If i ever forgive you.
I can't believe you
Would do this to me!
I didn't think you could hate me
But it's clear you do
If you can speak about me like this.
You've lost my trust and faith.
I can't believe you'd do this to me!
Looks like we're both surprised.
I never thought you'd hurt me
And you never thought I'd find out.
Well your lucks run out
And i can't even stand to look at you
At all since then.
You betrayed me so
You broke my heart into shatters
Now they'll never get back together