December Rain

Black leather boots.
That is all I can recall.
Ordinary black-leather boots.

I am constantly surrounded by a fog.

However, I see images, when the heavy fog fades.
They resemble ethereal snow and flickering street lights.
I always contemplate if they belong to that lost night.

Black leathered boots lining the snow with disfigured footprints?
Street lights forgiving?
The images construct endless questions.
I never condone that night.

There is no way out.
Nobody knows.
I don’t want them to know.
I pretend to be happy.

When I am lucky,
I get slivers of when I had no concerns.
I am riding a bike. I am smiling.
The air is intoxicating my thoughts;
a breeze is playing with my clothing.

The images are always interrupted.
Now snow is falling.
Street lights whisper.
Darkness has engulfed the streets.

Slowly, I forget the light breeze.
I forget the bike and my smile.
The lost night obliterates my past.

I am left only with the black leather boots.
This is all I have.
Will it ever be enough?
♠ ♠ ♠
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