the Heart Key

In the carnival
Where the jokesters play
There is a little girl who is tucked away
Inside a cage, where she sits all day
Dreaming of her escape
She knows there’s a way

The people come through
In their fine frocks and ribbons
Poking fun at the girl
Though she does not know why
For what is there to poke fun
At a girl who only cries

She knows the one who keeps her
Knows him all too well
For he is the one who brought her here
A captive here in hell
He is the one with the heart shaped key
He holds it
Toys with it
Tears it apart
But never uses it to set her free

He will hold it for ever
That much is true
She will be here forever
Locked up in the zoo

But though her body slowly dies
She still always tries
To win back her heart key
And be free
Be free
Of her forever agony