Dedicated to a Producer; Scotland

You were the light to bring everything deceitful and loving together.
You took my heart and filled it with love.
But every light must turn to darkness, and you became what i am most afraid of: blackness. You turned my happiness and willingness into pure agony of the heart.
My every thought was to sew our threads back together,
make us one in heart and soul.
Yet you keep ripping away.
Stay with me. Keep me one,
just as you kept me for so long.
♠ ♠ ♠
This one was created real quickly to help a friend realize his own pain.
He fell in love with someone, and the trick broke his heart. He's been trying to explain it to me, and this is how i understood it. I showed him it, and then he was suddenly aware of his pure feelings. - Gotta love being able to write!
Although I'm feeling that the above paragraph (if it can even be one) doesn't make much sense.