
Manoli is one of my best friends he always new what to say to me, he always told the truth to me. even if it was harsh i love manoli like a brother, he is just like family to me i always new i could talk to him about anything and i still do.
On september 4th 2009 Manoli was killed in a hit and run in the eairly hours of the morning in edmonton, i picked up the phone that following day i heard the news and almost droped nothing realy quit cliked in until i went to his funeral september 11,2009 the worst day of my life i can honestly say.
it felt like the only person i thought realy understood me was just gone no warning no nothing just gone, i feel that hole still in my heart waiting to be filled.
it feels as though the pain inside me wont ever go away,when ever i think about hurting myself or drinking, i always think about what he would tell me. "what the hell samantha your worth more then that".
that is what he would tell me, manoli was an amazing drawer he can draw almost anything you asked him to, but he would never put one of his drawings on someones body although he was asked by meny people to give them a tattoo of his art work he always refused it, he would never put a tattoo mark on his own body so why anyone elses??.
i love manoli like a brother and nothing will ever change that.
when i saw him face up for the first time in the casscit i could barily breath i was soo upset. but now when i think of it, god must have needed an angel with golden wings, he helped me threw soooo much in my life the good and the bad things.
Forever in my heart <3.
